
This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how we, ExpandCareer Certified Professionals LLP(referred to as “ExpandCareer” or “we” or “us”), collect, use and share information about our users (“you”) through our Platform. Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as the “Terms”) that govern the use of the Platform and the Programs. This Privacy Policy shall form a part of the Terms by way of reference. All capitalised terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the respective meanings set forth in the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy applies only to the part of the Platform provided by ExpandCareer, and we are not responsible for the practices of persons, companies, institutions or websites that ExpandCareer does not control, manage or employ.

Please understand that by using our Platform or submitting any Personally Identifiable Information (defined below) to us, you consent and agree that we may collect, use, disclose and retain your information (including but not limited to your Personally Identifiable Information) in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, and as permitted or required by law. ExpandCareer reserves the right to share the information collected hereunder with its own affiliates. In the event of sale or transfer of all or a portion of our business assets, consumer information may be one of the business assets that are transferred as part of the transaction. If you do not agree with these Terms, then please do not provide any Personally Identifiable Information to us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, or if you choose not to provide us with any required Personally Identifiable Information, we may not be able to provide you with the services that can be offered on our Platform.


Some of our Platform’s functionality may be used without revealing any personal information, though for features or services related to the Programs, personal information is required. If you do not use these specific features or services on the Platform, then the only information we collect will be “Non-Personal Information” (i.e., information that cannot be used to identify you). Non-Personal Information includes information like the web pages that you have viewed. In order to access certain features and benefits on our Platform, you may need to submit “Personally Identifiable Information” (i.e., information that can be used to identify you). Personally Identifiable Information can include, but not be limited to, information such as your name, email address, contact number (cellular and landline), educational qualification(s), Aadhaar number, PAN, social security and tax identification numbers, and post-qualification or work experience among other things. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the Personally Identifiable Information you submit to ExpandCareer. Inaccurate information may affect your ability to use the Platform, the information you receive when using the Platform, and our ability to contact you. For example, your email address should be kept valid because it is one of the primary channels through which we communicate with you.



When you come to our Platform, we may track, collect and aggregate Non-Personal Information indicating, among other things, which pages of our Platform were visited, the order in which they were visited, when they were visited, and which hyperlinks were “clicked.” We also collect information from the URLs through which you connected with our Platform. Collecting such information may involve logging the IP address, operating system and browser software used by each user of the Platform. Although such information may not be considered Personally Identifiable Information, based on local laws, we may be able to determine a user’s Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity from an IP address. We collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information from the Platform visitors to track the total of number of visitors on the Platform in aggregate form and to identify the type of Internet web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer®) and operating system (e.g., Windows®) used by them. This information allows us to continuously improve our Platform and services.


We collect through our Platform, or through third-party platforms being used by us, the information that you provide to us when you sign up for information updates or Programs, participate in our public forums, avail our chat room services, send you emails, call you, participate in online or offline events, and/or receive other services on or through our Platform or through any of ExpandCareer’s or its Educational Partners’ offline activities. This information may include, among other things, your name, postal address, email address, contact number, social security or tax identification numbers, login credentials (in the case of registered users), educational qualification(s), salary information, working goals, post-qualification experience, and photographs. We collect demographic information such as your gender, socio-economic status, and other similar personal information. In the case of scholarships, refunds or referrals, we will collect your bank account information. Other than this, we do not collect any of your financial information, and all payments are processed by third- party payment gateway providers. the Company does not take any responsibility and liability with respect to the use of such personally identifiable information whatsoever.

The Company has implemented Indian legal industry standard security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that it has under its control from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. It is expressly stated that the Company shall not be responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties that receive the Users’ personal data or events that are beyond the reasonable control of the Company including, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, etc.

The Company will not disclose any Personal Information or data to governmental institutions or authorities unless such disclosure is requisitioned under any Indian law or judicial decree or when the Company, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply our Terms of Use.

ExpandCareer, or its Educational Partners and third-party service providers, may, for instance, collect certain information from you in conjunction with assignments, exams and other assessments related to the online course. For example, as part of a proctored exam for a course, ExpandCareer (or its third-party service providers) may collect certain Personally Identifiable Information from you in order to (a) verify or authenticate your identity or submissions made by you, such as a signature for a test or an assignment log, a photograph or a recording of you (e.g., using a webcam) or information included on a photo identification card or document, or (b) monitor your performance during an exam to confirm that you are abiding by the applicable test rules or requirements (e.g., confirming that you are not using prohibited resources). ExpandCareer may also collect information from you or about your performance or your accomplishments, such as quiz/exam scores, grades, project evaluations, teacher evaluations and other evaluations of your performance or accomplishments.

Should you need any financial assistance, ExpandCareer may recommend certain third-party credit facility providers. Should you opt to sign up with such credit facility providers, any information you provide to them will be governed by their terms of use and policies, as you would be their direct customer. Please note, ExpandCareer does not control, manage or regulate such third-party providers.


Other forms of information that we may collect from you or about you are as follows:

1. Information about your interactions with customer service and maintenance interactions with us
2. User-generated content you upload or post to public forums through the Platform
3. Information needed in order to comply with any procedures, laws, and regulations which apply to us where it is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others
4. Recordings of calls with students or users showing interest in our programs
5. Any other information you choose to directly provide to us in connection with your use of the Platform and Programs


We may receive your information when you access or log in to a third-party site, e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp from our Platforms or when you respond to our Ads on such third-party platforms. This may include the text and/or images of your Personally Identifiable Information available from the third-party site. Please be aware that the information we obtain from such third-party platforms is often dependent on their privacy policies and/or on your settings regarding what information you have consented to share with them.

We enter into arrangements with third parties to serve Ads on our behalf across the Internet, social networking sites and blogs. They may collect or store information about your visits to our Platform and your interaction with our products and services. They may also use information about your visits to this Platform and to other websites to target advertisements for goods and services or for any other purpose. This information is collected through the use of a pixel tag, which is an industry standard technology used by most major websites. Such third parties are not permitted by ExpandCareer to sell or share your Personally Identifiable Information as part of this process. If such third parties sell or share the Personally Identifiable Information as part of the process, ExpandCareer’s liability shall be limited to providing you with reasonable assistance in any action you may choose to take against such third parties, at your sole cost and expense.

We have third-party sales and marketing affiliates who may collect your information through one of the various channels owned by them and share this information with us, based on your interest in our Programs. For example, an affiliate may hold an event and share the details of the attendees with ExpandCareer.


We may receive information about you if you use any of the other platforms we operate or the other services we provide. In this case, the data may be shared internally and combined with the data collected on the Platform. We are also working closely with third parties (including, for example, Educational Partners, scholarship providers, marketing partners, sales affiliates, subcontractors in technical/advertising networks, analytics providers, and search information providers) and may receive information about you from such sources. We may also receive your information from your employers, educational institution or scholarship providers, where your Program is partly or fully sponsored by such a third-party. The third-party sponsoring your participation in the Programs may provide us your information, subject to our agreement with them and, therefore, the third-
party sponsor may be the controller with respect to such data. In cases where you have been referred under any referral scheme, we will receive your information from the referrer.


We may use the information we collect to provide you with information relating to our Program and/or other ExpandCareer services, to respond to your questions or interest shown in our Programs, and to send you updates about the Programs, other ExpandCareer events, platform maintenance or new services provided by ExpandCareer, among other things, through itself or through third parties, via email, SMS, phone call or any other medium.

You authorise ExpandCareer, its authorised representatives and affiliates to connect with you via email, SMS, phone call or any other medium in connection with information relating to our Program and/or ExpandCareer services, irrespective of you being registered with the National Do Not Call Registry, which you agree to de- register from, if required.

We use your information for managing and processing purposes, including, but not limited to, tracking attendance, progress and completion of a Program. As part of our management and processing of the Program, we will use certain Personally Identifiable Information to administer exams, projects, and other assessments for the Program. For example, as part of an exam, ExpandCareer may use certain information collected from you in
order to verify your identity or to monitor your performance during the exam to confirm that you are abiding by the applicable testing rules or requirements.

We may use your Personally Identifiable Information in order to provide such services to you and for quality control purposes, and we may also archive this information and/or use it for future communications with you. For example, ExpandCareer may make available to you chat room services that allow you to communicate with ExpandCareer’s staff members or your peers in the same cohort, and we may use and share your Personally Identifiable Information to provide these services to you. In another example, ExpandCareer’s staff members may create groups on WhatsApp (or similar service providers) with other students and make you a member of such a group. These groups may be used to provide services in conjunction with the Programs, including, but not limited to, updates related to the Programs, details of potential employers, etc. Please be aware that the information disclosed on a third-party service provider’s platform will be dependent and subject to such third- party’s privacy policies and/or on your settings regarding what information you have consented to share with them. ExpandCareer and/or its associates shall have no liability in this regard whatsoever.

ExpandCareer may use certain companies that enable you to establish a membership to participate in digital wallets, payment services or rewards programs. If you elect to do so, we will disclose to such companies your information that is necessary to make their programs work and support your membership with them. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of the companies sponsoring these membership programs, and we suggest you review the individual privacy policies of each company with whom you establish such memberships. Billing information may be archived by us or our providers. We may archive Personally Identifiable Information other than billing information and/or use it for future communications with you.

ExpandCareer may use and share your information to improve its services and offerings. For example, we, through our service providers (like auditors or surveyors), may approach you to understand the impact of our Programs on your careers. For this purpose, we may connect with you via a phone call, email you questionnaires, or request you to attend workshops.

To the extent any Personally Identifiable Information collected by us contains images of you, you grant ExpandCareer a limited, non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, distribute, or prepare derivative works of or publicly display such images and/or your likeness in relation to the Program or for marketing purposes. We may use your photograph along with employer information, transition information, designation change, etc., for Ads/and or social media posts to highlight our learners’ achievements.

We use Non-Personal Information in aggregate form to build higher-quality, more useful services by performing statistical analysis of the collective characteristics and behaviour of our Users and by measuring demographics and interests regarding specific areas of our Platform.


In addition to the examples provided above, we will share your information in the following manner:

Educational Partners

We may share the information that we collect from you with the particular Educational Partner (e.g., a university or a company) that developed or offered the Program you are taking; the instructor(s) who taught, managed or otherwise oversaw the Program; external graders who will be assessing your performance; or mentors who will be supporting students. For example, if you are taking a Program through a university, we may share Personally Identifiable Information about you and your performance with the university to report on your progress in the Program and to enable them to issue a certificate to you on completion of the Program. Information shared with our Educational Partners will be subject to the privacy policies and procedures of such partners. Also, we may archive this information and/or use it for future communications with you.

Employers, Sponsors and Scholarship Providers

If you are taking a Program that is sponsored or paid for by your employer or a sponsor, or if you have availed a scholarship from a third-party scholarship provider, we may share your Personally Identifiable Information and grades, evaluations or progress in the Program with your employer/sponsor/scholarship provider. This information may be shared at any time during the Program or afterwards.

Service Providers

We provide access to or share your information with operations and maintenance contractors and other third parties who perform services on our behalf. They have access to perform these services but are prohibited from using your information for other purposes. They provide a variety of services to us, including billing, sales, marketing, test proctoring, couriers, mentoring, recruitment consulting, product content and features, advertising, analytics, research, customer service, data storage, security, fraud prevention, credit facilities, payment processing and legal services. Moreover, in certain circumstances, we may share certain Personally Identifiable Information and materials with third parties including, but not limited to, service providers such as Facebook or WhatsApp in order to provide you services that you have requested or services that ExpandCareer provides in conjunction with the Programs. Also, we use certain third-party platforms to collect your information (such as Typeform or Google Forms), as a consequence of which, your information may be stored on their servers.

Recruitment Services

ExpandCareer offers public sharing features as part of its career services, which, among other features, makes your careers profile as well as your details and information public, including your progress in the Program to others outside of ExpandCareer. By electing to participate in any of these services, you acknowledge that any information or materials you include in your profile can be viewed by other persons accessing the Platform, including potential or existing employers, recruiters, peers, as well as others on the applicable third-party websites. You also acknowledge that the information shared may remain accessible on third-party websites and/or to those you have shared the information with, in the event you make your profile private after having made it public and/or ceasing to share your information. You also acknowledge that ExpandCareer has no control over the access of or use of information provided to third parties via this mode outside its website.

Alumni Portal and Networking Services

We may collaborate with certain third-party service providers to arrange and provide networking activities to previous, current or potential students of ExpandCareer. For this purpose, ExpandCareer may share certain basic information such as your name, email address and cohort details with such third-party service providers in order to enable them to invite you to connect. Should you agree to sign up to their services, please note that any information you provide will be governed by their policies. In certain cases, in order to facilitate communication between students, we may share your information with other students on chat forums such as WhatsApp and Facebook.

Government and Regulatory Disclosure

ExpandCareer may share your Information with various government authorities in response to court orders or other legal processes to establish or exercise our legal rights or to protect our property; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases, we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us. We may also share your information when we believe it is appropriate to investigate, prevent or take appropriate action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of ExpandCareer, the Platform, our users, customers, or others; and in connection with our Terms and other agreements.

Associates and Business Transfers

ExpandCareer may share your Personally Identifiable Information with any Associate. The term “Associate” includes, with respect to any person, any entity that is controlled by such person, or any entity that controls such person, or any entity that is under common control with such person, whether directly or indirectly, or, in the case of a natural person, any Relative (as such a term is defined in the Companies Act, 1956, and Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable) of such a person.

ExpandCareer may disclose and/or transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to an acquirer, assignee or other successor entity in connection with a sale, merger, or reorganisation of all or substantially all of the equity, business or assets of ExpandCareer to which your Personally Identifiable Information relates.

Business Partners

With your consent, ExpandCareer may share information that can be used to directly contact you with third- party business partners, such as companies that may be offering products or services or other opportunities that may be of interest to you.


Any Personally Identifiable Information that is voluntarily displayed by you on the Platform may be used by third parties for unsolicited purposes. Please note that ExpandCareer shall not be liable for such unsolicited use by third parties of your Personally Identifiable Information that has been voluntarily displayed by you.


“Aggregated Data” means records that have been stripped of Personally Identifying Information and that have been manipulated or combined to provide generalised, anonymous information. Your identity and personal information are not available in Aggregated Data. We may combine your personal information on an anonymous basis with other information to generate Aggregated Data for internal and commercial use, and for sharing with affiliates, subsidiaries and business partners for planning and marketing purposes.



ExpandCareer takes all reasonable precautions to protect your Personally Identifiable Information both online and offline, in order to avoid any unauthorised access or breach. In addition, we participate in cooperative database services. These services help us direct newsletters, mailings and other marketing initiatives to appropriate purchasers and website visitors. Names and mailing addresses may be shared between participating parties in the co-operative database services.


We may update this Privacy Policy at any time, and it will be posted on this Platform as and when it is updated, so that you are always aware of what informatison we collect, how we use it, and the circumstances under which we may disclose it. Unless stated otherwise, our current privacy policy applies to all information that ExpandCareer has about You and Your account, even if it was collected in the past.


We may store the email addresses/mobile numbers of those who communicate with us via email/mobile or who have shown interest in our Programs and add them to our mailing/SMS/call list when you sign up to receive special promotions and updates. By electing to receive emails/SMS/calls from us, we would be able to send you exclusive information and special offers, which you may otherwise not learn about from our Platform. If you are a registered user and wish to change your preferences, or if you prefer to opt out of regular mail/SMS/calls, you may mail us at [email protected] to notify us of your request. Once you have submitted your opt-out request, you may assume that it has been successfully received and is being processed. Please allow us 14 business days from when the request was received to complete the removal, as some of our promotions may already have been in process before you submitted your request.


Our Platform may contain links to other sites. The linked sites are not under the control of ExpandCareer. Please be aware that ExpandCareer is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. ExpandCareer advises you to read the privacy policies of each and every website that collects your information, including Personally Identifiable Information. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites linked to the Platform, you do so entirely at your own risk. Any links to any partner of the Platform should be the responsibility of the linking party, and ExpandCareer shall not be responsible for notifying you of any change in the name or location of any information on the Platform.


ExpandCareer and its Indian service providers store information about you on servers located in India, whereas our international service providers may store your information on servers located in other countries. By using our services, you consent to the storage of your information within India or such other countries. If you are using the services from outside India, please know the information you submit will be transferred to and stored in our servers in India or such other countries. The data protection and other laws of India and/or other countries might not be as comprehensive as those in your country. By submitting your data and/or using our services, you acknowledge the transfer, storage and processing of your information in and to India.

As described above, ExpandCareer also may subcontract the processing of your data to, or otherwise share your data with, service providers and others in countries other than your country of residence, including India, in accordance with the applicable law. Such third parties may be engaged in, among other things, the provision of services to you, the processing of transactions and/or the provision of support services. By providing us with your information, you acknowledge any such transfer, storage or use.


ExpandCareer strongly encourages parents and guardians to supervise the online activities of their minor children and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent minors from disclosing their name, address and other Personally Identifiable Information online without parental permission. Although the Platform is not intended for use by minors, ExpandCareer respects the privacy of minors who may inadvertently use the Platform, and shall delete their information upon intimation.


Cookies are small pieces of information saved by your browser onto your computer/mobile. Cookies are used to record various aspects of your visit and to assist ExpandCareer to provide you with uninterrupted service. Web beacons are small graphic files linked to our servers that allow us to track your use of our Platform and related functionalities.

We also use or may use cookies and/or web beacons to help us determine and identify repeat visitors, the type of content and sites to which a user of our Platform links, the length of time each user spends at any particular area of our Platform, and the specific functionalities that users choose to use. Cookies and web beacons allow ExpandCareer to serve you better and more efficiently, and to personalise your experience at our Platform. Cookies and web beacons are not used to retain Personally Identifiable Information. From time to time, we may also use additional methods of collecting data.

We may allow third-party companies, including advertising companies (such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Quora and Bing) to place cookies on our website. These cookies enable such companies to track your activity across various sites where they display Ads and record your activities, so they can show Ads that they consider relevant to you as you browse the Internet. These cookies store information about the content you are browsing, together with an identifier linked to your device or IP address.

These cookies also allow us and third parties to know whether you’ve seen an Ad or a type of Ad, and how long it has been since you’ve last seen it. This information is used for frequency capping purposes, to help tailor the Ads you see and to measure their effectiveness.

You should be able to control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your web browser. Most browsers offer instructions on how to reset the browser to reject cookies in the “Help” section of the toolbar. If you reject our cookies, many functions and conveniences of this Platform may not work properly.


We also rely on your cell phones’ strong security model to ensure that there is no information or security leak, unless intentionally processed for authentication.

However, please note that while we implement many security measures on this site, 100% security cannot be guaranteed.


Please note that we review and may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon being posted on this page. By accessing the Platform, you indicate your agreement to the modified Privacy Policy and all the changes.

1. You must, at all times, adhere to the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy. This includes not misusing all intellectual property rights which may belong to the Company’s third parties. 2. You must not create or otherwise disseminate any information which may be deemed to be injurious, violent, offensive, racist or xenophobic or which may otherwise violate the purpose and spirit of the Company and its community of Users. 3. You must not provide information to the Company and /or other Users which You believe might be injurious or detrimental to Your person, professional or social status. 4. Any violation of this Privacy Policy may lead to the restriction, suspension or termination of Your account by the Company, as we take these principles seriously and consider them to be the basis on which our Users adhere to the Company policies and the Services which it offers.

ExpandCareer Certified Professionals LLP. All rights reserved