Media Management
Media management is one of the most dynamic and exciting courses in India. The Media sector provides multiple Openings at various levels. The Online...
Customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management involves the integration of Marketing, Sales, Customer service, and the supply-chain functions of the organization. The knowledge helps you a lot ...
Banking & Finance
Banking and Finance sector provides various Career opportunities. So the study of subject becomes essential for professional & students to have sound knowledge for...
Franchise & Marketing Management
Both Franchise and Marketing create a symmetry with each other There are various practices to be studied to perform in a better manner in...
Marketing & Customer Management
For any Organisation customer is God. Proper customer management is key to success and profit maximization. Marketing techniques come into picture that help in...
Marketing & Brand Management
Marketing is the most essential process to gain advantage and Proper Brand management is required to complement this Marketing process. So the dual study...
Brand & Client management
Branding along with Client Management provides very useful combination to enter into Marketing, Sales, Service and such related sectors. It serves as the important...
Business & Client Management
Business Management along with Client handling provides very useful combination to enter into Middle & Senior level roles into Marketing, Sales & Service sector....
Client Management
Client Management involves the most crucial and important elements required to serve the needs of present and prospective clients. In today’s scenario Client acquisition...
Client Management & Promotion
Client handling along with Promotion provides very useful combination to enter into Marketing, Sales & Service sector. It serves as the important elements required...
Event & Client Management
The Management of Clients into events is a very crucial and integral component It is very useful for career point of view ass it...
Media & Client Management
Media and Client handling is an suitable course for the candidates wanting to scale heights into Media , PR, Marketing, Sales & Service sector....