
Acceptance of this Agreement

Immediately upon completion of  Sign Up , the participant (“You” or “Your”) agree to the terms and conditions, obligations, representations, warranties and agreements contained herein (the “Agreement”). In the event, You are not willing to accept the Agreement, You shall not be authorized or allowed to proceed further to view or use in any manner any content, information, courseware, products and services (“Services”) published, available or provided on (the “Website”), which is owned, maintained and monitored by ExpandCareer Certified Professionals LLP (“Us”, “We” or “Our”).

Username and Password

By entering into this Agreement, You acknowledge and agree that Your user ID and password (“Participant Account”) is for Your exclusive use only. Use or sharing of Your Participant Account with another user is not permitted and is cause for immediate blocking of Your access to the Website, the Services and the Course Content and termination of this Agreement.

You agree that you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your Participant Account and for all activities that occur under it. You agree to immediately notify Us at [email protected] if You become aware of or have reason to believe that there is any unauthorized use of Your Participant Account. You also agree to take all reasonable steps to stop such unauthorized use and to cooperate with us in any investigation of such unauthorized uses. We shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any claims related to the use or misuse of Your Participant Account due to the activities of any third party outside of our control or due to Your failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of Your Participant Account.

Website and Services Usage

We grant you a personal, restricted, non-transferable, non-exclusive and revocable license to use the Website, the Services and the Content offered through the Website till the time the completion of the certification training course that You have enrolled for or termination of this Agreement according to the terms and conditions set forth herein, whichever is earlier.

The Services and the Course Content are provided solely for Your personal and non- commercial use to assist you in completing the certification training course You have registered for (“Restricted Purpose”). You are permitted online access to the Website, the Services, and the Course Content for the Self Study Purpose only

You are not permitted to reproduce, transmit, distribute, sub-license, broadcast, disseminate or prepare derivative works of the Course Content, or any part thereof, in any manner or through any communication channels or means, for any purpose other than the Restricted Purpose, without Our prior written consent.

Intellectual Property Rights

While You are granted a limited and non-exclusive right to use the Website, the Services, and the Course Content for the Restricted Purpose as set forth in this Agreement, You acknowledge and agree that We are the sole and exclusive owner of the Website, the Services, and the Course Content and as such are vested with all intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights in the Website, the Services, and the Course Content.

You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement other than permitting You to use the Website, the Services and the Course Content for the Restricted Purpose does not convey to You in any manner or form any right, title or interest of a proprietary or any other nature in the Website, the Services, and the Course Content.

Usage of Personal Information of Participants

We reserve the right to feature Your picture in any photos, videos, or other promotional material used by Us. Further, We may use Your personal information to inform You about other certification training courses offered by Us. However, under any circumstances, We shall not distribute or share Your personal information with any third party marketing database or disclose your personal information to any third party, except in the case, if required under any applicable law.

Only Your registered mail-id is required to access any course. Website never requires at any point of time, any of Your banking details/ confidential information for doing the course. The portal/ website never  demands any sort of personal /sensitive  information to pursue any of the courses. Similarly   None of our  agents/executives/ customer support  will ever be asking any candidate for any credentials/personal information during &; after completion of course. So You are not supposed to share any of your such data, still if You somehow share the same that will be solely and completely at your own risk and We will remain completely indemnified for any sort of misuse by anybody due to such sharing of information by you.

You hereby specifically agree, that during or anytime after completion of course, We will never be liable, under any circumstances, what so ever, for the misuse of your personal information/credentials ( personal mail-id, login-id, passwords etc) by any third party for its own personal /commercial/ non commercial use / malafide intention, that has impact on Your Identity, Image or may cause You any financial loss.

Payment Terms

Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by ExpandCareer, full payment for participation in a Program is required at the time of registration. It is the sole responsibility of the user enrolling into a Program to check the accuracy of, and evaluate the suitability and relevance of, the Program elected. The enrolment into a Program is non-transferable.

To make payment for any Program or to purchase any services or products offered by ExpandCareer through the Platform, you must have internet access and a current valid accepted payment method as indicated during sign-up . ExpandCareer does not store any of your credit card information or such other information restricted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for processing payment and has partnered with payment gateways for the payment towards the services. By using a third-party payment provider, you agree to abide by the terms of such a payment provider. You agree that in case ExpandCareer’s third-party payment provider stores any such information,  ExpandCareer will not be responsible for such storage, and it will be solely at your discretion to allow the third party to store such information. Any loss of such information or any loss incurred by you due to the usage of such information will be solely a loss incurred by you, and ExpandCareer is in no way liable for any such losses and is neither responsible to reimburse / make good such losses in any manner whatsoever.  You also agree to pay the applicable fees for the payments made through the Platform.

Failure to pay may result in withdrawal of your access to a Program. Depending on where you transact with us, the type of payment method used and where your payment was issued, your transaction with us may be subject to foreign exchange fees or exchange rates. ExpandCareer does not support all payment methods, currencies or locations for payment. All applicable taxes are calculated based on the billing information you provide to us at the time of enrolment/purchase.

If you have subscribed for a free trial, the free trial period will last for the period of time specified during your sign-up. Free trials may not be combined with certain other offers. If you have subscribed to a particular paid service or product within the last six (6) months, or if your Payment Method, physical address or email address has been associated with an account for that paid service, you are not eligible to receive a free trial for that service or product. If you begin your subscription with a free trial, you may be ineligible for certain features of a product or service during your free trial period.

Educational Partners and Accreditation

ExpandCareer is NOT a University, but an education service provider, offering Career Expansion Programs in multiple domains.

ExpandCareer’s Management Team, Advisors, Mentors, Course creators and the associated Content Providers have no obligation to have Content Offerings recognized by any educational institution or accreditation organization.

ExpandCareer offers Job oriented Programs,  These are SKILL ENHANCEMENT Programs  only   that are absolutely useful for all Students/ candidates to enhance their knowledge, skills & enhance their resume’s weightage.  These   are Certification courses facilitating the career growth by increasing knowledge base .  These not degree/diploma  programs & no Program/course is  approved by UGC / AICTE / DEC / any such  National/ State authority.    No Course/Program  is  accredited  by any  National (or Foreign) University/   Government body/Institution. No partnership/agreement  has been entered into with any entity/department  for any program.

You agree and acknowledge that nothing in these Terms or otherwise with respect to the use of the Platform or any Program (a) enrolls or registers you in an Educational Partner, or any other school, division, institute or program of or associated with an Educational Partner, and (b) allows you to access or use the resources or receive any benefits or privileges of any Educational Partner, beyond the Programs.

No Academic Credit

Participation in or completion of Content Offering does not confer any academic credit.

You will not receive academic credit from ExpandCareer or any other Educational Partner for taking a Program. If you are taking a Program for academic credit or certification as a student of, or otherwise through, an Educational Partner, any such credit or certification may only be awarded directly by the Educational Partner based on its own policies and procedures, and you may be required by that Educational Partner to be registered or enrolled with the Educational Partner in order to receive credit or certification; and, in any event, ExpandCareer will not have any authority or responsibility with respect to any award of academic credit or certification provided by an Educational Partner for a Program.

ExpandCareer may offer a  Certificate or other acknowledgement for participants who have satisfactorily acknowledged the completion of Course on his own . The decision to award any such Certificate/ acknowledgement to a given participant will be solely at the discretion of ExpandCareer. ExpandCareer may choose not to offer any certificate or other acknowledgement for some Programs. ExpandCareer may decide at its sole discretion whether to provide a record concerning a participant’s performance in a Program. The format of any credential or other acknowledgement, and of any performance, provided by ExpandCareer relating to Programs will be determined by ExpandCareer at its sole discretion and may vary from Program to Program.

No Placement/ Job Guarantee

ExpandCareer is providing  certification courses to help candidate acquaint with various concepts of multiple domains After completion of course , no placement assistance or  job offer  of any kind is provided to You . It is clearly expressed that no such facility can be expected by   You under any circumstances.  You are at your sole discretion to use the Certificate in Industry as per your requirements. You indemnify ExpandCareer from  All/any   present/future ,    financial/ Job related loss  arising out of non availability of assignment/job/ internship  after completion of course.

It is hereby expressly mentioned that , No  Employee / Agent/ executive/ Channel partner /consultant   of ExpandCareer is authorized to   commit/ promise placement assistance/ job guarantee   of any kind, for  any course to  You.  So You indemnify  ExpandCareer  in totality for any such wrong, miscommunication circulated by any source.

The completion of course by You does not confer  any kind of right/claim  for placement/Job.  So You shall have no   claim to ask for any assistance/ profile/job after doing the course . The Certificate provided for Course by Expandcareer shall be the  last  step of liability . After  sending Certificate to You,  ExpandCareer  shall remain completely  relinquished from any liability towards You.

Limitation of Liability

You expressly agree that use of the Website, the Services, and the Course Content are at Your sole risk. We do not warrant that the Website or the Services or access to the Course Content will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor is there any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Website, the Services or the Course Content or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information provided through the Website, the Services or the Course Content. In no event will We or any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing the Website, the Services or the Course Content be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Website, the Services or the Course Content.

The disclaimer of liability contained in this clause applies to any and all damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of records or any other material, whether for breach of contract, negligence, or under any other cause of action.

You hereby specifically acknowledge that We are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, wrongful, or illegal conduct of third parties, or other users of the Website, the Services or the Course Content and that the risk of damage or injury from the foregoing rests entirely with each user.

You agree that Our liability or the liability of Our affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents and licensors, if any, arising out of any kind of legal claim (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any way connected with the Services or the Course Content shall not exceed the fee you paid to Us for the particular certification training course.


You specifically agree to indemnify Us, under all circumstances, in case of Non acceptance/ Non – recognition /   of any  Course Certificate  by  any   firm/ company/employer/ Institution/ NGO /Government /Semi -Government/Private  entity or any such  entity or organization approached by you  for  any purpose including but not limited to  Job /  Promotion/ Study / Research .

You agree to indemnify and hold Us, Our contractors, licensors, directors, officers, employees and agents, harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses including attorneys’ fees, arising out of Your unauthorized use of the Website, the Services and the Course Content or any violation or breach of this Agreement or any provisions hereof.

Term and Termination

This Agreement will become effective upon “Your beginning of any course” and, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will remain in effect till You maintain a current, fully paid up online Participant Account, or until terminated by Us, whichever is earlier. We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement and block Your access to the Course Content with immediate effect by sending a written notice through email to You to this effect (“Immediate Termination Date”), if such termination is made as a result of Your misrepresentation, default, misconduct or breach of Your obligations related to or under this Agreement (“Event of Default”). On the occurrence of any Event of Default, We shall be authorized to exercise all the rights and remedies under this Agreement or applicable Law or available in equity to seek indemnification for any Loss or Claim to result from any such Event of Default.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

For all the Participants, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of India and the courts in New Delhi, India shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any matter relating to, in connection with, or arising out of, this Agreement.

Amendment and Assignment

We reserve the right to unilaterally amend or modify this Agreement without giving any prior notification to You. We shall, however, publish the revised agreement on the Website so that You are aware of the revisions, modifications, and amendments made by Us to this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility to check the Website periodically for any revisions, modifications, and amendments. Your continued use of or access to the Website, the Services and the Course Content following the posting of any changes to this Agreement shall constitute acceptance of those changes. You are not permitted to assign this Agreement or the rights and obligations mentioned in this Agreement to any third party and You only shall be held liable for any breach of this Agreement or any terms and conditions hereof.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement, along with the privacy policy, refund policy, rescheduling policy, terms of use and any additional guidelines, rules and/or disclaimers posted on the Website constitutes the entire agreement governing Your use of our Website and supersedes any prior agreements, if any, relating to any matter dealt with in this Agreement.


The services and all included content are provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. ExpandCareer specifically disclaim any and all warranties and conditions arising out of course of dealing or usage of website. ExpandCareer further disclaim any and all liability related to your access or use of the services or any related content. You acknowledge and agree that any access to or use of the services or such content is at your own risk.

As per Industry standards, all the courses have been very meticulously planned, compiled, drafted & prepared by the Panel of Experts. Every Mentor has more than two decades of experience into its respective field / domain. The course modules have been designed & compiled from various Offline & Online sources. In order to update students with latest ideas, multiple segments/parts/chapters/modules have been included from the secondary sources as well.